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[SF-MarketingCloud]AMPscript 본문
1. What is it for?
AMPscript is a scripting language used in Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC). It provides dynamic content capabilities that can be embedded directly within HTML emails, SMS messages, and landing pages. The primary purpose of AMPscript is to enable personalized content delivery, data manipulation, and interaction with data extensions and other external systems, thus enhancing the marketing content's relevance and effectiveness.
2. Actual usages of AMPscript:
- Personalization: You can use AMPscript to personalize emails based on subscribers' attributes. For instance:This script will insert the subscriber's first name into the email.
Hello, %%FirstName%%!
- Conditional Content: Depending on certain conditions (like subscriber preferences, past purchase behavior, etc.), you can display different content:
%%[ IF PurchaseHistory == "Shoes" THEN ]%% Check out our latest shoe collection! %%[ ELSE ]%% Browse our new arrivals! %%[ ENDIF ]%%
- Data Extension Interaction: AMPscript allows you to retrieve, update, or delete records from Data Extensions:
%%[ SET @row = LookupRow("MyDataExtension", "EmailAddress", emailaddr) SET @name = Field(@row, "FirstName") ]%%
- Date and Time Manipulations: You can use AMPscript to format dates or calculate time durations. For instance, if you want to display a sale's ending date:
Sale ends %%=FormatDate(AddDays(Now(),7),'MMMM d, yyyy')=%%!
3. Is it for achieving more detailed org User's demand?
Yes, AMPscript aids in addressing more specific and detailed organizational user demands by enabling high-level customization and personalization in marketing content. By leveraging AMPscript, marketers can deliver content that's closely aligned with individual user preferences, behaviors, and profiles, thus improving user engagement and conversion rates.
4. Since when is AMPscript applied in Salesforce?
AMPscript has been a part of Salesforce Marketing Cloud (previously known as ExactTarget) for many years. ExactTarget began in the early 2000s, and AMPscript was introduced as a way to extend the platform's capabilities. Salesforce acquired ExactTarget in 2013, and AMPscript continued to be an integral part of the Marketing Cloud solution. The exact date of AMPscript's introduction is not widely documented, but it has been a part of the platform for a significant portion of its history.